Main services:
- Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Appropriate Assessment/Natura Impact Statements
- Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA)
- Ecological Assessment
- Phase 1 and Extended Phase 1 Habitat Surveys
- Habitat Mapping
- Preliminary Ecological Assessment (PEA)
- Protected Species Surveys
- Benthic Macroinvertebrate Survey
- Ecological Surveys
- Invasive Species Surveys
- Site Assessment
- Soak Pit Tests (BRE 365)
- Septic Tank Capacity and Condition Reports
- Discharge Licensing
- IPC (IPPC) Licensing
- Environmental Monitoring
- Waste Permits
- River Corridor Surveys
- River Restoration Design and Resident Engineer
Consultancy services:
1. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
In 1985, the E.U. Environmental Impact Assessment Directive (85/337/EEC) introduced the requirement for assessing the potential environmental impacts (positive and negative) of certain projects. The directive has been revised several times and transposed into national law. The Birds (79/409/EEC) and Habitats Directives (92/43/EEC) drive the conservation and sustainability of Natura 2000 sites across Europe.
Our specialist services include:
- Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Scoping and Screening
- Appropriate Assessment/Natura Impact Statements
- Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA)
- Preliminary Ecological Assessment (PEA)
- Ecological Due Diligence
- Expert Witness
- Planning Appeal
- Mitigation Design and Clerk of Works
- Ecological Compensation, Enhancement and Management Planning
- Compliance Reports
2. Ecology
- Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA)
- Appropriate Assessment/Natura Impact Statements
- Preliminary Ecological Assessment (PEA)
- Protected species surveys (bats, otter, badger, newt/lizard, water vole, door mouse, red squirrel, pine martin, pygmy shrew, stoat, hares, deer species, the Natterjack toad, freshwater white-clawed crayfish, the Freshwater Pearl Mussel, the Kerry Slug)
- Aquatic Ecology Surveys
- Habitat Surveys and Mapping
- Freshwater Pearl Mussel Surveys
- Riparian Mammal Surveys
- Cray Fish Surveys and Management
- Phase 1 and Extended Phase 1 Habitat Surveys and Mapping
- Hedge Row Surveys and Evaluation
- Ecological Clerk of Work
- Habitat Creation and Management plans
- Ecological Mitigation
- Ecological and Environmental Expert Witness
- European Protected Species Licences and Development Licensing
- Planning Mitigation, Translocation and Habitat Design/Creation and Management Plan
- Ornithology Surveying and Reporting (Breeding & Winter Bird Surveys, Upland & Lowland Wader Surveys, Wetland (WeBS) Birds Survey, Hen Harrier Surveys, Raptor Surveys, Vantage Point Surveys, Bird surveys for Special Protection Area (SPA) Monitoring, Monitoring of Bird Disturbance & Productivity)
- Ornithological Impact Assessment
- Engagement with Statutory Consultees (NIEA, RSPB, NPWS, BWI, BTO, NIRSG)
- Preparation of NIEA Biodiversity Checklists
3. Environmental Monitoring and Licensing
- Environmental Monitoring
- Aquatic Ecology
- Fish Surveys
- Water Sampling
- Sewage Sampling
- Discharge Licensing
- Trade Effluent Licensing
- Sewer Licensing
- Waste Licences
- IPC (IPPC) Licensing
- Environmental Audits
- ISO 14001
- Waste Permitting
- Assimilative Capacity Assessment
4. Site Assessment
- Site Suitability Assessment Reports for on-site wastewater treatment systems for single dwelling houses, residential, industrial and commercial developments
- Septic Tank Capacity and Condition Reports
- Site Suitability Assessment Reports for out-wintering pads
- Site Suitability Assessment Reports for earth lined slurry stores
- Design and Certification of constructed wetlands/reed bed systems
- Certification of inspection, installation and maintenance of on-site wastewater treatment systems
- Percolation testing and design of stormwater soakaway systems using current BRE digest 365 guidelines
- Planning pre-consultation for design consultants and private clients
5. Rivers
- River Restoration Assessment, Design and Project Management
- Benthic Macroinvertebrate Survey [Q-value, Average Score Per Taxon (ASPT), WHPT, etc.]
- Hydromorphological and River Channel Digital Survey and Mapping
- River Ecology Surveys
- River Corridor Surveys
- RHAT Surveys
- Water Quality Monitoring
- Freshwater Pearl Mussel Surveys
- Substrate Assessment and Analysis
- Sediment Analysis
- Invasive Species Surveys
- Catchment Management
- Environmental Impact Assessment Chapters
- River Design and Project Management
- Rivers and Fisheries Consultancy
- Fish Passage Design
- River Restoration and Fish Habitat Enhancement (Design and Resident Engineer)
- Wetland Restoration and Wetland Creation (Including Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment)
- Water Framework Directive Monitoring (Biology, Hydromorphology and Chemistry)
- Water Quality Monitoring (Chemical and Data Analysis)
- Substrate and Sediment Assessment and Analysis (Grain Size Analysis and Chemical Analysis)
- Hydrological Surveys and Assessment
- Digital Hydromorphological Surveying
- River Hydromorphology Assessment Technique (RHAT)
- River Habitat Surveys (RHS)
- River Corridor Surveys
- River Ecology Surveys/Assessment
- Benthic Macroinvertebrate Survey (Q-value, WHPT, ASPT, etc.)
- Invasive Species Surveys and Control Measures
- Protected Species Surveys and Conservation Measures (e.g. Freshwater Pearl Mussel Surveys)
- Hydro Power (Hydrological Survey and Ecological Impact Assessment)
- River Basin / Catchment Scale Surveys and Planning
- Pollution Prevention Control
- Consultancy Advice Service
- Catchment Management
- Ecological Mitigation
- Project Management
- Geographical Information Systems (GIS) – constraints mapping, data, analysis and results